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Keynote speakers

Keynote speakers



Karen Scrivener has been Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Construction Materials in the Department of Materials of EPFL(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne for the last 20 years. She is a Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering and author of over 200 journal papers. Her research focusses on the understanding the chemistry and microstructure of cement based materials and improving their sustainability. In 2008, she came up with the idea for LC3 cement, this material has the potential to cut CO2 emissions related to cement by more than 400 million tonnes a year. She received her bachelor’s degree in Materials Science from the University of Cambridge in 1979 and her PhD from Imperial College London in 1984.



Prof. Ken Kawamoto currently works at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, and is Head of the Frontier Science and Technology in Sound Material-Cycle Society and Zero Emission Principles, Research and Development Bureau, Saitama University (SU), Japan.

He received his Ph.D from the University of Tokyo in 2002, and is specialized in the research areas of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, as well as Material Recycling and Waste Management. He has been a Visiting Professor at Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (HUCE), Vietnam since 2019. Prof. Kawamoto supervised more than 50 Master students and 20 Ph.D students for their dissertation works and is currently supervising 5 Ph.D candidates. He frequently published his research outcomes in academic journals and has had more than 140 international peer-reviewed journal papers, together with more than 250 conference proceedings papers (H-Index 25 according to the “Web of Science” of ClarivateTM). He was awarded with the Saitama University President’s Award in 2007 and in 2018, as well as with many Best Paper Awards from various International Conferences.

From 2017 - 2022, he was the Project Manager of the JST-JICA SATREPS Project "Establishment of Environmentally Sound Management of Construction and Demolition Waste and Its Wise Utilization for Environmental Pollution Control and for New Recycled Construction Materials in Vietnam".




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