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The conference registration will open on December 1st, 2024.

Registration fee

Conference fee includes proceedings, luches, reception, gala dinner.

VAT included 10%

Early Bird


Until April, 14 2025




April, 15 2025





RILEM member

650 €

750 €

1000 €

Non-RILEM member

750 €

850 €

1200 €

Doctoral and Post-doctoral students(24 months after PhD defence)

275 €

300 €

350 €

RILEM member/officier participating in the RILEM Week only

75 €

100 €

120 €

Pre-congress course(per course)


PhD student  RILEM Member/   Non RILEM Member)

0/40 €

45 €

Not applicable


RILEM Member from academia,senior scientists/others

150 € /200 €

200 € /250 €

Not applicable

Gala dinner(per participant)

80 €

80 €

80 €

The above registration fees do not include foreign currency transfer fees. Therefore, please tick the "Our Fee" column and bear the transaction fees yourself. Thank you!

A special discount fee, i.e. 20 and 40%, is applicable for countries according to their GDP per capita.

A 20% discount is granted to members from the following countries: Algeria; Albania; Angola; Argentina; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Chile; Colombia; Croatia; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; Estonia; Hungary; Islamic Republic of Iran; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Lebanon; Libya; Lithuania; Macedonia; Malaysia; Mauritius; Mexico; Montenegro; People's Republic of China; Peru; Poland; Republic of Costa Rica; Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia; South Africa; Thailand; Tunisia; Turkey; Ukraine; Uruguay; Venezuela

A 40% discount is granted to the other members from the following countries: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Burkina Faso; Cambodia; Cameroon; Congo; Cuba; Ethiopia; Federal Republic of Nigeria; Georgia; Ghana; Guatemala; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Ivory Coast; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Morocco; Mozambique; Nepal; Pakistan; Paraguay; Philippines; Republic of Moldova; Senegal; Sri Lanka; Syrian Arab Republic; Togo; United Republic of Tanzania; Viet Nam; Yemen, Zimbabwe

Payment of the registration includes admission to all the sessions, proceedings, coffee/tea breaks, lunch, etc.

Registration will be done online (link).

Registration to RILEM Week and Conference events will be completed online (form).

Accommodation must be managed directly by the delegates. A suggested list of hotels already provided as follows:

A 100 € administrative fee will be levied against all cancelled registrations. No refund will be paid back for registrations cancelled after July 1st 2025.

Bank information

Account Name         : Truong Dai hoc Xay dung Hanoi

Account holder Address: 55 Giai Phong, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Account Number      : 119000000929

Bank name               : Vietinbank

Branch name            :  Vietinbank Hai Ba Trung Branch

Address                    :  285 Tran Khat Chan St., Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tax code                   : 0102071874         

Swift code                 : ICBVVNVX142



For registration information, please contact the registration secretary:

Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung, RILEM Organization secretary
Hanoi University of Civil Engineering

55 Giai Phong, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi

Phone +84 (0)989 736 259





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